Inishfree revisited

This is the week when I would normally begin my annual two-part retrospective of the people we lost in 2008. But out of pure laziness, I am putting that off for an extra week. Instead here are some photos one of my neighbors took from a helicopter last year, which I thought were pretty cool.

This is an aerial view of the village of Cong in County Mayo, where John Ford’s The Quiet Man was filmed five and a half decades ago.

Aerial view of Cong

And this is a bird’s eye view of Ashford Castle, which adjoins the village and which was featured in the opening shot of the movie.

Ashford Castle

And this is just a nice shot of Connemara heading away from Cong and toward Killary Harbour and Leenane where, as it happens, Jim Sheridan’s adaptation of John B. Keane’s The Field was filmed.

Connemara vista

On to the business of remembering (if I remember) next week.

-S.L., 8 January 2009

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