Four’s the charm!

Time for an update on my efforts to get my first novel made into a movie. That was the one about the two immature teenagers who took off on a last-ditch adventure in Mexico.

Oh, wait. There’s an update. I was also trying to find someone to make a film adaptation of my second book. That was the one about the three princely brothers who run into a spot of bother when crossing into a cursed kingdom. (Or was it about three princely bothers who run into a spot of brother? I can’t remember.)

Oh yeah, and there’s more. My third novel, which was a sequel to the first one and which involves some espionage and romance ranging from California to France and Germany, is up for grabs as well. Any takers?

The Curse of Septimus Bridge Okay, Hollywood—or for that matter indy filmmakers everywhere or even European or Asian auteurs—I am giving you another chance. You definitely have to bite on this one.

Yes, that’s right. There is now a fourth novel! This will definitely show those who scoffed at the notion that I could even write one book—although the jury is still out on those who swore I would never be able to manager to write five.

Of course, if you are really interested in my books, then the proper place to keep up with them would be at my official book blog at There you will find helpful links to such online sellers of the paperback edition as the Barnes & Noble website and the US, Canadian and UK websites of Amazon. There are also links to the US, Canadian, UK and Australian websites of Amazon for buying the Kindle version.

For now Kindle is the only digital format available on this book because, frankly, to date hardly anyone has bought digital versions of my books in any format other than Kindle. If you are a user of any other reading device or app (Apple iBooks, B&N Nook, various EPUB readers) and this really inconveniences you, I would love to hear from you. Also, if you are Emma Thompson, I would love to hear from you.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I have a new book out, and I will be amazed if some Hollywood studio doesn’t snap up the rights by the time I upload this post. This novel has everything. It has diverse characters—well, more diverse than any of my other books—and romance and magic and mysteries to be solved and even a few bits of serious violence.

Come to think of it, there’s no point making this into a movie. I think it needs to become a series. You know, like one of those ones you are always binge watching on HBO or Netflix or Amazon Prime. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Okay, once again I’m remembering why I was never a very good journalist. Here I am burying the lead. So here’s what you need to know. The book is called The Curse of Septimus Bridge. It’s about some young people who go off on a free-spirited adventure that’s just meant to last a day, but things happen. There’s a creepy, old house overlooking the sea. Weird things happen. There’s a mysterious figure with a terrible secret lurking about. There are waves crashing. There’s a tragic love spanning centuries. There just might even be reincarnation. Oh yeah, and demons.

Okay, some of you are way ahead of me. You’ve realized that I’ve gone and actually finally written that rip-off, I mean homage, to my beloved Dark Shadows. Yeah, it does sound that way. But it’s different. I’ve taken themes from that show and Gothic novels in general and done a bit of updating and deconstructing and hopefully come up with something new and interesting and enjoyable in its own right.

If I have managed to sell you on it—or at least to get you mildly interested—just click on the beautiful cover image above with the cool illustration by Tamlyn Zawalich and see where it takes you.

And once you’ve read it, let me know how many film references you managed to find.

-S.L., 6 July 2019

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